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AnnaMale Hummer

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Barbara Pedersen
Representational oil painter from Cobble Hill BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Carolyn McDonald
painter from Cowichan Bay BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Cori Mearns
from Shawnigan Lake BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Jocelyn West
from Crofton BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Eileen McGann
Musician & Visual Artist from Mill Bay BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Maureen Coles
from Crofton BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Terry Harrison
Painted glass, tiles and clothing from Mill Bay BC
Charlotte Haggart
from Shawnigan Lake BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Catherine Taron
from Maple Bay BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Sylvia Swift
Watercolour , Acrylic, Pastel, Driftwood mobiles from Shawnigan Lake BC
Donna L Bennett
Creating fine felt wearables from Chemainus BC
Georgina Montgomery
Abstract/Contemporary from Cowichan Valley BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Bev Robertson - AFCA
Seascape Landscape, Floral from Shawnigan Lake BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Conceptual Allegory from Cobble Hill BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Catherine Fraser
from Duncan BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Rosemary Danaher
from Crofton BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Sue Coleman
from Duncan BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Jane Waterman
from Ladysmith BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Donna Birtwistle
Wildlife Artist from Mill Bay BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Joane Moran
Oil printer from Cobble Hill BC
Roger Jackson
Marine themes and landscapes in oil and acrylic from Mill Bay BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Joane Moran - AFCA
from Cobble Hill BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Carol Borrett
from Duncan BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Harold Allanson
Realistic Watercolour from Crofton BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Ed Peekeekoot
Native Flute, Finger Style Country & Western from Crofton BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Jacob Hokanson
Abstract Functional & Non Representational Art from Duncan BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Loretta Puckrin
painter/teacher from Lake Cowichan BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Christine A. Allan
Mix media contemporary from Chemainus BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Glenn Spicer
figuative, nature, realistic, abstract, stylized from Duncan BC
Etsuko Kaji-Holley
Abstract Impressionist from Ladysmith BC
Available for Shows/Gigs

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Anonymous Artist
Variety from Lake Cowichan BC
Nigel Jordan "Liftedpro"
Alternative Hip hop, Conscious rap, Boombap from Crofton BC
Anne Martin
I play all styles, but as a reader. from Cowichan Bay BC
KeyWinds Trio
Classical and Romantic Chamber Music from Duncan BC
Mid-Island Music Archive
MIMA documents Mid-Island musicians and concerts from 1873.
Online resource Ladysmith BC
Open / Operational
Glenora Hall
It can be rented for a morning, afternoon, evening or for th...
Open / Operational
Vimy Hall
Vimy Hall is a community hall located about 4 km outside Dun...
Open / Operational
Pacific Arts Market
Showcases local artists & makers, hosts events & workshops
Ladysmith BC
Open / Operational

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