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Paparazzi – Opera on the Rocks

Sat. June 8th 2024 Chemainus Theatre Festival Chemainus BC $85

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Paparazzi – Opera on the Rocks

Opera and comedy TOGETHER as they were never meant to be!
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. June 8th 2024 + Add to Calendar Chemainus Theatre Festival (All Ages)
5:30pm - 9:00pm $85 per person


Kieran Martin Murphy

Presented by:

Chemainus Theatre Festival
Since 1993 The Chemainus Theatre Festival has offered region...
Open / Operational

Event Description

Prepare yourself to enjoy one of the most unique theatrical experiences you’ll ever ‘experience’, when you ‘experience’ acclaimed tenor Luciano Paparazzi for an evening of Operatic Comedy. Finally, Opera and comedy TOGETHER as they were never meant to be! Paparazzi will take the audience through the last century of popular music and “educate” you on why opera is the greatest form of music ever devised. Because, in his over-inflated opinion, all ‘pop music’ has been influenced and shaped by it. Is it true? Who knows? Paparazzi believes so, and would it hurt to hear the man out? Worse case scenario is that you have some great laughs and listen to excellent music in this good production, clean silliness for audiences of all ages.

Canadian theatre professional Kieran Martin Murphy (Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, King Arthur in Spamalot) not only morphs into this hilarious spoof of the great Pavarotti, but he also takes on a cavalcade of other musical greats to prove his thinly veiled point. Tom Jones, Roy Orbison and Elvis appear and some other surprise guests. The show is guaranteed to tickle the funny bone and delight your ears…don’t miss it!


Chemainus Theatre Festival
9737 Chemainus Road
Open / Operational

Event Image

Paparazzi – Opera on the Rocks - Feb 18th @ Chemainus Theatre Festival

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