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The Blankket
"The Blankket is me, Steven Kado, the guy who writes the one-sheets, works the phones, answers (or doesn't answer) the emails, and organises meetings and folding events here at the Blocks Recording Club. I'm also the founder of this club. I used to be in zillions of bands, but I toned it down and now I'm just in The Barcelona Pavilion and Ninja High School, but I used to be the drummer in Jon-Rae and The River for a couple of years and also Lenin i Shumov. I also used to be in Germans. Anyway, the Blankket is my crappy solo project. This CD is all Bruce Springsteen covers about loss, the negative effects of capital on working people's lives and the desire to somehow escape. But the saddest part is: escape to where? The Culture Industry is omnipresent! Capital's influence circles the globe! Anyway, this recording was done at home, has lots of really distorted delay parts and is a little run up to this longer record I'm working on about Theodore Adorno and the Frankfurt School of Social Research.”