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Cowichan Artisans Fall Studio Tour

Sun. October 29th 2023 Bev Robertson Art Studio 2152 Wildflower Rd& Multiple studios, Shawnigan Lake BC Free

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Cowichan Artisans Fall Studio Tour

15 Artist at 14 studios. Self guided tour in the Cowichan Valley..
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sun. October 29th 2023 + Add to Calendar Bev Robertson Art Studio 2152 Wildflower Rd& Multiple studios, (All Ages)
10:00am - 4:00pm  Doors at: 10:00am Free


Bev Robertson - AFCA painter
Mixed Metal Mimi, Mimi Roy
Tyler Hayes
Glass Blower from Cobble Hill BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Morgan Saddington, Silver jewellry
Jennifer Lawson
from Duncan BC
Pipi Tustian, Studio 1867
Ruth Warkentin
Catherine Fraser
from Duncan BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Live Edge Dedign
Caroline Storie
Laurel Hibbert
Cathi Jefferson
Salt fired stoneware from Duncan BC
Travis Rankin WroughtenArt
Margit Nellemann
Wilma Millette
Mixed Media Artist from Maple Bay BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Bev Thompson
from Cowichan Valley BC

Presented by:

Cowichanartisans com

Event Description

A self guided Studio tour through out the Cowichan Valley .15 professional Artisans coveringng arts such as Oil painter, Water colorist, Acrylic Artisg.Glass Blower, Pottery sculpture, Fabric Art, and upholstery, Jewelry, Printmaker, and Colage artist.


Bev Robertson Art Studio 2152 Wildflower Rd& Multiple studios,

Event Image

Cowichan Artisans Fall Studio Tour - Feb 18th @ Bev Robertson Art Studio 2152 Wildflower Rd& Multiple studios,

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