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39 Days of July Festival: Dennis ‘n’Andy Show, Chuck McCandless, Schayde Dam...

Fri. June 29th 2018 Charles Hoey Memorial Park - Buckerfields Stage Duncan BC Free

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39 Days of July Festival: Dennis ‘n’Andy Show, Chuck McCandless, Schayde Dame, Carlson Dance, Jared Popma, James Meyer (& friends), Non Stop Talk, Porter Brothers

Special thanks Varga + Associates Private Wealth Management of RBC Dominion Secu...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
12:00pm - 9:00pm Free


Dennis ‘n’Andy Show
Chuck McCandless
Schayde Dame
Carlson Dance
Jared Popma
James Meyer (& friends)
Non Stop Talk
Porter Brothers

Presented by:

Duncan Cowichan Festival Society
Our mission: to bring as much community building events to t...
130 Canada Ave Duncan BC
Open / Operational
39 Days of July
39 Days provides a wonderful sense of community as people ga...
131 Station Street Duncan BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

Special thanks Varga + Associates Private Wealth Management of RBC Dominion Securities - for being the ones bringing you our opening day Friday June 29th, the kick off day of the Canada Day long weekend, a very generous contributor that will now hear their name mentioned from the stage continuously throughout the festival.

Welcoming with Elders Della Rice Sylvester /Town Crier - as it should be, with protocol and pageantry.

Noon Dennis ‘n’Andy Show - two solo artists that become very, very funny as a duo…a tradition to open the festival with them.

1pm Chuck McCandless - a mainstay of folk music, this Irish singer / songwriter, boated from Ireland and landed to Manitoba and who now calls the valley home, was there in the beginnings of the Winnipeg Folk Festival and uses his vocals and banjo in a Pete Seeger -ish kinda way.

2pm Schayde Dame - she has grown up in the valley but her voice belongs everywhere, whether a cover or an original, she owns the song

3pm Carlson Dance - a valley dance institution they have stayed with the times, their weekly showcases at the festival will amaze you

4pm Jared Popma - a young performer who brings modern technology into the realm of traditional folk and also writes his own

5pm James Meyer & friends - South Cowichan/Shawnigan Lake is well represented by this bunch of kids, not sure exactly what yet but you will be glad you caught what it is they will do

6pm Non Stop Talk - young 4 piece from Victoria combining rock, funk and jazz to create a unique sound that'll get you on your feet

7pm Porter Brothers - three young local farm boys, home schooled, happen to have a sixth sense about rock’n’roll music...they also end the festival


Charles Hoey Memorial Park - Buckerfields Stage
124 Canada Ave
Open / Operational

Event Poster

39 Days of July Festival: Dennis ‘n’Andy Show, Chuck McCandless, Schayde Dame, Carlson Dance, Jared Popma, James Meyer (& friends), Non Stop Talk, Porter Brothers @ Charles Hoey Memorial Park - Buckerfields Stage Jun 29 2018 - Feb 18th @ Charles Hoey Memorial Park - Buckerfields Stage

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