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Annie Lou

Fri. March 16th 2018 St. James Community Hall Vancouver BC $13-$26

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Event Info

Annie Lou

Annie Lou is the stage name of Anne Louise Genest, a songwriter, composer, and p...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. March 16th 2018 + Add to Calendar St. James Community Hall (All Ages)
8:00pm  Doors at: 7:00pm $13-26


Annie Lou

Presented by:

The Rogue Folk Club
The Rogue Folk Club is a registered non-profit Society in th...
3214 West 10th Avenue Vancouver BC
Open / Operational

Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: Tapestry Music Ltd, Highlife Records

Event Description

Annie Lou is the stage name of Anne Louise Genest, a songwriter, composer, and performer with a deeply-felt connection to older folk music traditions. With guitar and banjo in hand, she has spent years chronicling the rural and urban life paths of Canada, writing songs to tell the tales of the hard-hit, hard-won victories of these everymen and women. This is new music that is relevant to a modern audience but rooted in the musical traditions that grew out of communities where there was little separation between performer and audience - where everyone played something, or danced - and where music was clearly connected to the everyday lives of the people who played it.
The Annie Lou touring ensemble includes Canadian acoustic champs Andrew Collins, Max Heineman (both from Toronto's Foggy Hogtown Boys), and Sarah Hamilton – a tight instrumental and vocal unit that offers superb musicianship and an infectious delight in their craft. In live performance the band gallops along with joyful danceable precision, enticing audiences with twin fiddles, banjo, three and four part harmonies, call and response, and compelling instrumental solos.

Advance tickets available at roguefolk.bc.ca, Highlife Records, and Tapestry Music Vancouver.


St. James Community Hall
3214 W. 10th Ave.
Open / Operational

Event Image

Annie Lou @ St. James Community Hall Mar 16 2018 - Dec 19th @ St. James Community Hall

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