Damian Graham and The Best Guys In Town - Apr. 21, 2023
Come down to Hermann’s to hear some funky grooves with Damian Graham (Drums), Joey Smith (Guitar,Wah Wah), Tony Genge (Organ) and Ryan Oliver (Saxophone/Flute)
“We will be playing a lot of Funky and Swinging Organ tunes. Most of them are original songs with pretty bad names but they are a lot of fun to play and they have kept us busy and out of trouble. For the most part :) Expect lots of solos from everyone and a fair amount of playful banter. Also we will have a lot of fun and you can ask us questions or make requests or just shout random things. It’s gonna be a really good time I promise!” - Damian Graham
Posted: Apr. 21, 2023 via
Filmed: Apr. 21, 2023