Dirty Grace is a three-piece ensemble composed of Marley Daemon, Jesse Thom and Betty Supple. The trio of songwriters produce a playful mix of music ranging from the provocatively cheeky to the intimately introspective, all driven by a curiosity in music’s ability to expose, shake-down, tickle and heal the human spirit.
Blending elements of folk, hip hop, rock, swing, gypsy-jazz and electronic beneath a swell of three-part harmonies and contagious melodies, the collaboration has always left the band and its listeners eagerly guessing what will come next.
Although they have been harmonizing together for over 4 years, Dirty Grace have just released their first album and have been touring it across Canada for the past three months. The show at Hermann's on November 21rst will be their ...homecoming, CD release party. Doors are at 6pm, show at 8pm, tickets $12. show more
For physical events that happen at a specific time. For example a concert, or dance performance. If there are multiple shows, you can still duplicate your event to cover them all.