What is Cowichan Culture Counts? We are creating an inventory and map of all the arts, culture and heritage resources in the Cowichan Valley.
Why? To support arts and culture, community planning, economic development, and to make Cowichan an even better place to live, and easier to find.
Who Benefits? Artists and artisans, arts and cultural organizations, heritage buffs, businesses, residents, visitors and the province (the approach we are developing will serve as a template for other communities around the province to use)
Who/What Is Included? The inventory includes: artists/artisans (all genres), arts, culture and heritage organizations and assets (e.g. public art, heritage sites), arts and culture suppliers, venues and events.
Our Approach? We are building on and enhancing Victoria Arts Scan http://artsvictoria.ca/ and White Rock Arts and Culture Hub http://whiterockculture.ca/index.php?action=map. We are creating a user friendly web-site to store the data and to provide a one stop source of information for everyone - the arts and culture community, residents, tourists, and CVRD arts and culture staff and planners.
How Can I be Counted In? Go to http://cowichanculture.ca and submit a free listing for yourself, your organization or your venue.
Sponsors? The CVRD is the lead sponsor. The Cowichan Valley Arts Council and the provincial government are also providing funding.
Who is Behind the Scenes? Vis-à-vis Management Resources Inc. has been contracted by the CVRD to oversee the project. Indivision is helping with database and website development, and Rob Grant at the CVRD is looking after GIS compatibility. Lyle Seymour is out in the community helping people list their information.
Who is Steering?
CVRD: Kirsten Schrader, Manager Arts and Culture, Rob Grant, GIS Supervisor, Geoff Millar, Economic Development Manager
Cowichan Valley Arts Council: Judy Brayden, President
Province: Bruce Whyte, Ministry of Community Sport and Cultural Development
Cowichan Tribes: Jen George
Consultant: Rodger Hunter and Alison Nicholson, Vis-à-vis Management Resources