Japandroids – Lullaby Death Jams – Independent
The Japandroids are a two piece guitar wailing, drum pounding, singing machine, (do droids get angry when you call them machines?) and ‘Lullaby Death Jams’ is their recipe for a good time. It’s made up of five interestingly good tracks that range from dark to darker.
The first song is the standout track with great lyrics (new ways to wear old clothes) and a greater riff. The song is titled ‘darkness on the edge of gastown’ and I’ve seen this darkness. It’s called Hastings Street and it is nowhere near as alive as this tune.
The fellows have perfected the call back style of singing and it only seems appropriate, as there is only the two of them. It’s like they’re having a drunken conversation from either side of a rowdy rock n roll party in a small apartment on Robson Street.
The EP comes to a finish with the seven minute epic ‘Lucifer’s Symphony.’ Listening to the lyrics “We know what you’ve done – There’s no blood on me” even made me feel guilty for crimes I didn’t commit. Maybe they know something I don’t. They are after all droids.
Great EP and for the cool price of 5 bucks you can’t go wrong, unless you’re addicted to pot and really need to spend that last fiver on a joint.
Posted: Jun 29, 2008
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